Monday, April 14, 2008

God gave me these hands to work. And to kill TTB.

The Man is a peaceful man. Don't mess with him, he don't mess with you.

Two Tears Boye raided The Man's homestead and burned down his house and barn. Animals? Dead. Crops? Gone. The Man and his family lived in a wagon for a year, seven months, three weeks, and four days, eating roots and tree bark while The Man built a new home. Alls The Man knows is, TTB tries ridin through The Man's farm again he best be ridin fast, less The Man's shotgun find the back a that Boye's two teared face.

The Man never did nuthin to no one. All he ever wanted was forty acres, a good wife, and an honest livin workin the land. Well that ain't gonna happen. Not now. Not till that cryin little piece shit meets Shotgun Breslaw in the ring.

The Man's waitin, boy.

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